Did you feel that rift in the space time continuum yesterday? Did you hear all the fangirls screaming from behind their Tumblrs? Well, you may have guessed it but BBC announced some awesome Sherlock news. Well… kinda. The news is that Sherlock Series 4 will be back along AAANNNNDDD with a SPECIAL!!!! BUT NOT SO QUICK, put down your streamers and party hats… they don’t even start filming till early 2015 with the special and series not coming till late 2015. Don’t believe me? Denial is fine but here’s the proof in the pudding from the Sherlock BBC Facebook page:
“Did you miss us?
We can confirm that #Sherlock will be back with a special followed by a series of three new episodes!
Shooting on the special will begin in January 2015, with the series shooting later next year. The game is on! #221back”
So, essentially their announcement SHOULD have said “Sherlock will be back in 18 months… so don’t get too excited… we’ll see you in January 2016.”
Since we have a lot of time to fill, I came up with this guide:
What to do for the next 18 months before Sherlock Series 4
- Get pregnant and have a baby – name the kid John or Martin or Benedict (God help him), celebrate his 9 month birthday during the series premiere. Time to get BIIIZZZZYYY.
. - Get a real quick associates or bachelor degree in criminal justice or maybe perhaps a lap research assistant so that you can fully understand what John and Sherlock do.
. - Read all 56 shorts stories and four novels that are attributed to the Sherlock Holmes canon. Then write a post for us on what you learned and how crazy the endeavor actually made you. Bonus points: read them out loud using your best Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman voice impression. In costume. These are bonus points after all.
. - Start at the very beginning of the That’s Normal history, alllll the way over at Letters to Twilight back in 2008, then work your way back over here to July 2012
. - Build the block that 221 B Baker street resides on entirely out of legos. Don’t forget Speedy’s sandwich shop and a black cab for good measure.
. - Re-watch every episode of Friends. ALL ten seasons. Oh and yea, then write us a blog post about how terrible Rachel seems now and how Phoebe was the only decent character after watching it all these years later.
Well, according to creator Steven Moffat it’ll be: “A special, plus a new series of three episodes — it’s a record-breaking run! Of course, it’s far too early to say what’s coming, but we’re reasonably confident that the very next thing to happen to Sherlock and John, is the very last thing you’d expect ….”
So what’s the last thing we’d expect?
- For the Johnlock fans: John realizes he’s been living a lie, leaves Mary for Sherlock and they adopt a baby and live happily ever after in 221 B Baker Street with Mrs. Hudson as their next door neighbor nanny.
. - Sherlock decides to stop being a middler schooler and recognizes his love for Molly. They get it on and live happily every after in neighboring apartments with John and Mrs. Hudson. Awww yay! #Sherlolly
. - Masterpiece Theater does a weird cross over episode with Downtown Abbey, since NO ONE would expect that and no one would put it past Julian Fellowes to do something completely crazy and awful and weird to his characters. * still not over the death of Matthew *
I don’t know what we’ll do for the next 18 months besides bitch and moan about how it’s 18 months till we get some more Martin + Benedict in our lives. Oh well, at least we have stuff like Orphan Black and Game of Thrones (only 9 mos away!), and Girls to look forward to. * Sigh *
Read more Benedict Posts or more Sherlock posts!
What will you be doing to make the 18 months fly by?