What I am about to confess takes a lot of courage. The type of courage that is far beyond what I’ve always felt I’ve possessed. Please don’t judge me harshly. I hope this is a safe place. I believe that it is. Here it goes…
I actually like some of Miley Cyrus music…
There I said it…. It is as though I am a sinner and the readers of this post are my priests. How many “Hail Mary’s” do I have to say to rid me of this shameful declaration? I am not Catholic, but I’ve seen confessions on t.v and movies and that’s what they make you do right?
OBVIOUSLY, the last month has solidified that Miley is one crazy bitch, and believe me I am just as over it as everyone else is. As a person, I find this girl to be reprehensible yet still I can’t deny I have found myself singing along to her music. If you knew me you’d be so confused by my dilemma. I am not a huge pop music fan. I am way more into mellow vibes, but for some reason I lay in bed at night trying to fall asleep but that damn “Wreaking Ball” song in playing on repeat in my friggin’ brain. And please don’t be a dirty liar and pretend that you don’t turn up “Party in the USA” every time it comes on the radio even after all these years!
Needless to say, she doesn’t write her own music. I can’t even say I like her voice. In fact, I think her lazy nasally singing is super annoying but gimme a break, some of her songs are actually decently written with the exception of the lyrics
“To my home girls here with the big butt
Shaking it like we at a strip club
Remember only God can judge ya
Forget the haters cause somebody loves ya”
Miley does have a writing credit on “Can’t Stop” and I am pretty sure that verse was her contribution. That being said, apparently it takes a village to write a song since most of her songs have more than 6 contributors to thank for its genius.*
I’m not here to talk about how I feel about Miley, I am here to judge some of her songs and when considering the pleasure one gleans from a song, I ask myself a few questions and lately these have been the answers to Miley’s newest songs:
1.Will I purchase this song on iTtunes or Amazon? Hells to the NO
2.Will I consider illegally downloading this song on the web? Perhaps.
3.Will I quietly listen to this song in my office on Pandora when I know no one else can hear it playing? Most likely
4.Will I turn it up and sing along (and possibly cry) to this song while driving alone in my car? Duhh of course!
In my defense I’d much rather have someone else singing these songs, but I have to give her some credit her performance of “Wreaking Ball” last weekend on SNL was incredible. For the most part I prefer the cover version of her songs like the one done by this dude and the little girl with two mommies that lost X- Factor last year.
To add to my argument I defy you to find a single person with a heart who doesn’t love the song “The Climb” I gotta say Miley got that one so right. Again, let me stress how much I actually dislike this girl’s public image and her choices, I don’t want ya’ll to think that I am totally pro Miley, I already feel like such a sell out for writing a whole post about her so go easy on me you guys. Plus without her outrageous new persona we wouldn’t have this amazing YouTube video of Nicolas Cage riding a wreaking ball and that my friends, is worth it to me.
*I tend to use the term genius quite liberally/ironically.
Do you have any shameful musical confessions? Share them with me so I know I am not alone.